All are welcome to stop by the Prayer Garden for a moment of silence, prayer, meditation, or just to take in the beauty of God’s creation.
There is a guide to assist you, hanging on the pergola, which includes prayers, poems, scripture, meditations, and hymns (with the tunes linked in QR codes, if you need them)… perhaps you’ll find a word of comfort and encouragement to contemplate in the silence and beauty of the garden.
In the spring of 2011, a small corner of the church property was cleared with the hope that one day a beautiful garden would grow. Since that day, this former area of weeds, cast off building materials and a general eyesore has become a peaceful, plant filled garden where hummingbirds and butterflies flutter about.
During the years since then, our prayer garden has grown into a blooming array of color and beauty. The trellised entrance leads into a secluded area with benches, flowering bushes and a sign welcoming those who enter to “worry about nothing, instead, pray about everything”. The paths within the garden are a cross. There are four quadrants of flower beds each displaying a variety of perennials. At the end of the longest path is a bench that overlooks a small creek. It’s a quiet place to stop and linger, rest and pray with only the noise of nature surrounding you. Generous congregational donations help with the general upkeep of our garden, including annual mulching and new plantings.
The “Blessing of the Garden” took place in July 2017 with the congregation taking part in the dedication. Our hope is for all who enter this space will sense the presence of our creator and experience a communion with God that nourishes us and glorifies the Lord.