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Amazon Shoppers unite! Supporting KRC using Amazon Smile

Knox Reformed Church is registered with Amazon Smile!

If you shop on Amazon, you may not even be aware that the AmazonSmile Foundation supports a variety of charitable organizations by donating 0.5% of eligible purchase price to your organization of choice.

Anyone with an Amazon account can do this.  To sign up, simply go to (instead of just  If it’s your first time you should be prompted to select your charitable organization.  Search for “Knox Reformed Church” and select us!  You only need to do this once;  any future purchases via AmazonSmile will trigger a donation to KRC.

All you need to do is remember to go to for your purchases.  Amazon handles the rest!

Vacation Bible School

VBS will be held from August 6-10. It will run from 9:00 -11:45 daily. All children from 3 years old – 8th graders are invited to attend.

On Friday we will have a closing program with a picnic to follow starting at 12:00 noon. All are invited to attend.

Our theme this year is Rolling River Rampage. The daily Bible points for each day are listed below as well as the color to wear each day

Day 1 – Jesus Calls the Disciples – Red

Day 2 –  Jesus Accepts Mary and Martha –   Green

Day 3 – Jesus Walks with Zacchaeus – Purple or Pink

Day 4 – Jesus Shares a Special Meal –   Yellow

Day 5 – Jesus Makes a Promise – Blue

Below is a website that you can register your child or children for VBS this year. I will print out all the registration forms to have a paper copy for the teachers. We hope your child or children will join us at VBS this summer.